Monday, September 29, 2014

Tips for Staying Productive on Weekends

What sets apart highly successful people from ordinary people? Extraordinary people have extraordinary habits. In fact, they even stick to those habits on the weekends and on their time off of work! Here are some of their secrets.

1. They stick to a schedule. They get up around the same time they would during the work week. You won’t find a successful person snoozing until 2:00pm on a Sunday. Not only does this waste the day away, but it throws off the sleep schedule for the next few days. Not conducive for a productive work week! 

2. They plan it out. Successful people know the importance of setting goals and accomplishing tasks. Of course, down time and R&R are not off-limits, but slacking off is not on the menu. 

3. They prioritize. List making and setting deadlines are crucial here. Successful people know which tasks take priority and they make sure to tackle each goal accordingly.

4. They stay active and healthy. Setting aside some time to sweat is not only important for you physically, but mentally as well. There is no better stress reliever than getting that adrenaline pumping. So hit the gym, take a hike, walk your dog, play some football with friends...whatever floats your boat. 

5. They make time for friends and family. It’s important to step back from your career time to time, and spend some quality time with the ones who care about you and support you. 

6. They take some time for themselves. They spend time on hobbies they enjoy, which provides an outlet for stress relief, nurtures creativity and provides opportunities to network- which brings us to the next topic.

7. They network. Successful people seize opportunities to network with other successful people, whether it be during social events, business events, or during leisure time. 

8. They reflect. One very important habit of successful people is that they reflect on their past experiences- both good and bad. They analyze and review what has and has not worked in the past, make plans as to how to improve for the future, and move on. 

9. They prepare. Lastly, successful people take the time to prepare for the rest of the week, or an upcoming event such as a meeting, conference or other venture. 

Of course, there just isn't enough time in the day to do everything every single weekend. This is where prioritization comes into play. Successful people know when it's important to do which task and when certain tasks can take the back seat. Here's to success! 

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle 

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