Thursday, October 29, 2015

Making Networking Work for You

In our last blog, we talked about the many ways that networking can benefit us and our businesses. This week, we thought it would be fitting to talk about how you can make networking events work for you, no matter who you are. 

Some people love networking events and are naturals when it comes to conversing in large groups, while others are more comfortable in more intimate settings. Then, there are those who shy away from social settings all together. Never fear, we have compiled some networking tips for the extroverts, introverts, the socially uncomfortable as well as those who would much rather spend the evening hiding out under the buffet table!

All personality types can benefit from following a few bits of advice and come out of networking events feeling fulfilled rather than stressed and uncomfortable.

1.) Manage your expectations. What is the goal of this particular event? Are you going just to make new connections? To gather information? To gain new clients? Go at it with a goal in mind so your expectations will be clearly defined and focused.

2.) Set a time limit. Instead of committing to stay for the duration of the event which can be overwhelming, plan on staying for an hour or so. This takes the pressure off, but if you’re having a great time, stay longer!

3.) Ask for introductions. If you know someone who will be at the event, ask them to introduce you to others who they already know. This holds two benefits. One being that it is an easy way to start a conversation and meet others. The second being that being introduced by someone who is known in the industry typically holds more weight than just walking up and introducing yourself alone.

4.) Practice listening purposefully. Listen with the intent of learning something. Too often, people listen only so they can respond. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn. Those in your presence will pick up on your genuine interest and will likely appreciate that about you and take an interest in you, as well.

5.) Take note of your body language. Body language is huge when it comes to portraying confidence, comfortability and approachability. Keeping your back straight with shoulders back and an open body portrays confidence, whereas crossed arms and fidgetiness portrays a lack of confidence and unapproachability. 

6.) Practice a short bio, or introduction. Not everyone needs this, but for those who are not all that comfortable in social situations, having a go-to intro can be super helpful. 

7.) When you’re stuck, just ask questions! If you’re stuck with an awkward silence, just ask others questions about themselves! “Where’d you go to college? What do you do for fun? Where are you from? Hey! This food is pretty good, huh?” 

8.) Watch those cocktails. A lot of networking events provide alcohol, which can be a GREAT way to loosen things up, but one too many and that can back fire on you BIG TIME.  Nothing is worse than nursing a shame-over after a big event, replaying all of your martini fueled buffoonery. yikes

9.)Most importantly, be yourself and be genuine. Whether you are a social butterfly or more on the shy side, just be you and the more you put yourself out there, the easier these events will become.

Happy networking!

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