Studies show that early birds don’t just get the worm, they tend to be more optimistic, more productive and more healthy overall! So here’s what you’ve got to do.
Get enough sleep. It’s obvious, but a lot of us just don’t do it. Sometimes there’s just not enough time in the day! Seven to nine hours is absolutely necessary for optimal functioning. To make sure you’re getting enough sleep:
(Don’t do any activities in your bed except sleeping. It will send confusing messages to your brain and make it difficult to doze off when you're actually trying to sleep.
Unplug at least a half an hour before bed (no t.v., cellphones, computers, or other electronics.) Electronics stimulate your brain too much and your mind will go bananas while your're trying to drift off to sleep.
One exception is if you’d like to use a relaxation app. There are some really great apps out there now that can have you asleep in minutes!)
Let the sunshine in! Keep the blinds open in your bedroom. The sunlight will allow your body’s circadian rhythm to take over and you will naturally want to wake up.
Skip the snooze. It’s so tempting, but you know you’re just going to feel worse afterward and those ten minutes only feel like thirty seconds.
Be consistent. Try waking up at the same time every day. Even on your days off. Or only sleep an hour later at the most.
Exercise a little. Even if it’s just a little light stretching. It will help you get going in the morning. Before you know it, you might be one of those crazy people that wake up extra early to hit the gym before work!
Boogie down! Or at least play your favorite tunes. You know how quickly music can turn your mood right around. Bop around a little while your getting ready and it will set the mood for your entire day!
Don’t forget breakfast! Even if you’re one of those people that don’t like to eat first thing in the morning, make sure you eat a little something. It will keep you from crashing later on in the day and it will keep your stomach from making embarrassing noises at your morning meeting.
Try these simple changes and in a few weeks you may notice a new pep in your step!
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