Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Full Plate Epidemic

Have you ever left a meeting with a prospective buyer completely confident that you sealed the deal, only to find that months later, you still haven’t closed the sale? You met with all the right people, said all the right things and addressed all of the buyer’s concerns. They tell you they love the product and you’re positive you’re home free. You’ve followed up with phone calls and emails and still, no verdict. You’re sure that your competitors have not gotten their business either...So what gives??? 

Now, you have to answer questions from your sales supervisor in meeting, after meeting. “Have you landed the deal yet? Why not? Did you adequately represent the product? Did you tell them A, B and C?” And of course, you did. So now, you’re speculating as to why they haven’t come to a decision, spewing out a list of excuses which surely include “They must be busy. They’ve got a lot on their plate.”

I’m sure most people who work in sales can relate to this situation. This situation has been deemed “full plate syndrome” and has been showing its ugly face in a rapid succession in sales companies far and wide. 

Sure, maybe your prospect does, in fact have a full plate. Surely, they are very busy. However, for the right circumstance, some things can be willingly scraped off that plate  to make room. If your product is the solution to a particular area in which your prospective buyer is having difficulty, “full plate syndrome” doesn’t stand a chance. 

You need to ask yourself, “Why should our product be a priority among all other important aspects of what is filling up this plate?” If you can’t answer, well...there’s your answer! If you can’t find a reason for why your product should be prioritized as a solution to an area of difficulty for your potential buyer, why would they? Make sure you bring it to their attention that this product is absolutely necessary and NOW
In other words, do your research. Make sure to listen carefully to the concerns and needs of your prospects and confidently endorse your product as the solution. Happy sales! 

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