Thursday, September 12, 2013

Avoiding Burnout

If things at work are getting a little hectic, you may be at risk for heading towards a burnout. When projects and deadlines are becoming too cumbersome and you’re having difficulties balancing your work and home life, it’s time to step back and regroup to avoid a crash and burn. 

What exactly is a burnout? Burnout is a state of mental, physical and emotional fatigue and exhaustion brought on by severe, overwhelming, prolonged stress. 

The physical signs include feeling tired, drained, sick and suffering changes in appetite and sleep habits. 

The emotional signs include feeling loss of hope, feeling helpless, defeated or trapped, and a loss of motivation. 

Behavioral signs include withdrawal from responsibilities, procrastination, isolation, or dramatic changes in mood. 

There are many things that can contribute to the cause of burnout and it can happen to any of us. It can happen in any type of job setting from an office worker, to a doctor, to a stay at home mom. Burnout is not only caused by stressful situations, but we can bring it on ourselves by trying to take on too much at once or by feeling the need to be perfect all the time. 

Some causes of burnout include perfectionist tendencies, lack of self esteem, type A personality, lack of sleep, lack of support, having too many expectations placed on you, lack of recognition, feeling like you have no control, or not making any time for non-work related activities. 

In order to prevent yourself from burning out, you’ve got to give yourself some room to breathe. Try to start every day on a positive note. Prioritize your work and delegate when possible. Ask for help when you need it. Make sure to adopt healthy eating, sleeping and exercise habits. Don’t push or overextend yourself when it isn’t necessary. Make sure to develop coping skills to manage stress. Make time for friends and family and be sure to make time for yourself! Most importantly, don’t forget to give yourself recognition for all that you do! We all deserve a pat on the back once in a while!

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