Thursday, September 19, 2013

Quick Pick-me-ups for the Office!

Have you ever had one of those days when you’re wondering how you’re possibly going to make it through the workday? You just feel drained, exhausted, your brain has turned into scrambled eggs and you just can’t seem to focus on the task at hand? 

Well, there are many reasons why this can happen. Maybe you’re not getting enough sleep, maybe you’re just burnt out, or maybe you haven’t had enough time to balance your diet adequately. 

Here are some quick fixes for when you’re struggling to make it through the day. 

Munch on an energy boosting snack. If your energy is taking a nosedive, maybe your metabolism needs to be revved up a little. Instead of instinctively reaching for another cup of coffee, try one of these pick-me-up snacks:

  • Fresh fruit. Vitamins, minerals, and good carbs! What more can you ask for?!

  • A handful of almonds. These bad boys are full of good fats, omega 3s and Vitamin E. They’ll help you to feel full for longer due to their fiber-rich goodness, too! Just don’t overdo it! 

  • Yogurt and cereal. Yogurt will give you some carbs and protein, and a good fiber rich cereal will leave you feeling satisfied! 

  • Half of a turkey and cheddar sandwich. Swap out white bread for whole wheat, swap out the mayo for some mustard or guacamole, add some lettuce and tomato slices and you’re good to go! 

Sip some green tea. Green tea will give you a nice boost without the potential jitters that can accompany your second or third cup of coffee. Plus, green tea contains  antioxidants and is quite the metabolism booster! It also comes in many delicious flavors. 

Stretch it out. Loosen up a little, take your mind off your work for a minute or two, and get rid of all of that tension! If you can, take a quick walk on your lunch break and you’ll feel like a brand new person! 

Switch it up! If you’re sitting in front of your computer for hours, your brain is likely to shrivel up and crap out at some point. Take a quick break; you deserve it! Take a walk to the break room, catch up with a coworker for a few, or ask if you can run an errand for your boss or something. Sometimes we just need a change of scenery. 

Lastly, when you’re at home, catch up on some sleep and get out there and have some fun! Life can’t be all work and no play! 

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